Scheduled Maintenance of the Client Portal: March 23, 2024, from 7:00 to 10:00 am UTC

scheduled maintenance of the client porta com

At FXGlobe, we are committed to providing you with the best possible experience. To ensure the continued performance and reliability of our Client Portal, we will be performing scheduled maintenance of our servers and a system upgrade.

Maintenance Window: 

March 23, 2024, from 7:00 to 10:00 am UTC


As a result, access to the Client Portal will be temporarily unavailable.

Our team is dedicated to completing the upgrades as swiftly as possible to minimize the impact on your activities.

What to Expect:

  • Faster Portal Access: Improved performance for a better experience.
  • Upgraded Security: Enhanced protections for your data.
  • New Features Coming Soon: Keep an eye out for additional improvements.


To ensure a smooth trading experience, please mark your calendar and plan accordingly for this maintenance window.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this essential maintenance.


FXGlobe is a global financial trading company that offers a wide range of trading products and services to traders of all experience levels. With its headquarters in Vanuatu. FXGlobe is a truly international company that caters to traders from all over the world.

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