Why FXGlobe is the Ideal Partner for Introducing Brokers and Affiliates

For introducer brokers and affiliates looking to maximise their income potential, choosing the right brokerage partner is crucial. FXGlobe stands out as an ideal choice due to the company’s lucrative commission structure, robust support capabilities, and proven reputation.

FXGlobe is a global brokerage providing online trading access across forex, commodities, indices, and shares. Regulated across multiple jurisdictions, the company has empowered over 45,000 traders worldwide since its founding in 2009.

For introducing brokers (IBs) and affiliates, FXGlobe offers some of the most attractive partnerships in the industry. This article explores key reasons why FXGlobe makes for the perfect brokerage partner.

Lucrative Commission Structures

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At the core of any successful IB or affiliate partnership is a rewarding and sustainable compensation structure. FXGlobe provides flexible options to maximise earning potential:

Commission Rates

FXGlobe offers exceptionally high commission payouts on referred traders:

  • CPA: Up to $150 per new trader acquisition
  • CPL: Earn fixed fees per lead generated
  • Revenue Share: Up to 50% share of spread income

These industry-leading rates enable affiliates to earn higher commissions per trader compared to rivals.

Lifetime Value

Compensation extends beyond initial payouts. With FXGlobe’s revenue share model, IBs can earn passive income for the lifetime value of their clients through spread share. Lifetime value dramatically increases earning potential.


IBs can further reduce their costs and earn rebates on personal trading volume and activity through FXGlobe. This allows enhancing overall profitability.

The combination of high payouts, recurring income, and rebates provides a lucrative model for IBs.

Robust Support and Capabilities

FXGlobe invests heavily in resources and tools to help IBs maximise growth and optimise operations:

Dedicated Account Management

IBs get assigned personal account managers for onboarding, support, and ongoing optimisation. This level of 1-on-1 service ensures success.

Marketing Assets

Extensive marketing materials in 10+ languages, including banners, videos, and localised landing pages, help IBs promote globally.

IB Dashboard

A specialised dashboard provides real-time insight into referred clients, commission tracking, performance metrics, and analytics to enhance business management.


Trading academies, eBooks, and masterclasses help elevate clients’ skills. Better educated traders tend to be more active – leading to higher earnings.

Robust capabilities like these enable IBs to scale their operations efficiently.

Established Global Presence

As a proven international brokerage with over a decade of experience, FXGlobe provides the reach, reputation, and resources for IBs to capitalise on global markets.

International Licences

Regulated across Europe, South Africa, Asia, and Australia, FXGlobe provides locally compliant opportunities to promote in multiple markets.

Global Brand Authority

With an established brand, FXGlobe has built trust and authority across regions – lending credibility for IBs promoting under its name.

World-class Trading Infrastructure

FXGlobe provides stable trading environments and connectivity through top-tier global liquidity providers – ensuring reliable order execution.

The company’s global presence enhances cross-border opportunities for IBs through brand recognition, localization, and infrastructure.


FXGlobe’s combination of competitive commissions, powerful tools and systems, dedicated support, and international scale make it the ideal brokerage partner for enterprising IBs and affiliates worldwide.

With interest in trading surging globally, FXGlobe provides the perfect springboard for IBs to capitalise on growth opportunities through highly rewarding partnerships.

Key Takeaways:

  • Industry-leading commission rates up to $150 per acquisition provide immense income potential
  • Recurring lifetime income through revenue share on active referred traders
  • Robust marketing assets, tracking tools, and dedicated account management streamline operations
  • Global licences across 100+ countries provide compliant promotional opportunities
  • Established brand authority lends credibility for partner IBs
  • World-class trading infrastructure ensures stable order execution

For IBs seeking a lucrative and sustainable partnership model, FXGlobe checks all the boxes. The time is now for forward-thinking brokers to partner with an established, globally trusted leader and unlock new levels of success.


FXGlobe is a global financial trading company that offers a wide range of trading products and services to traders of all experience levels. With its headquarters in Vanuatu. FXGlobe is a truly international company that caters to traders from all over the world.

إخلاء المسؤولية بشأن نصائح التداول:
اختيارات سفيرنا اليومية ليست نصيحة تداول. هذه مقالات إعلامية تغطي الفعاليات التي حدثت في السوق بالفعل والفعاليات المجدولة والتي من المقرر أن تحدث في المفكرة الاقتصادية والأرباح.

تحذير عام من المخاطر:
ينطوي تداول المنتجات ذات الرافعة المالية مثل الفوركس والعقود مقابل الفروقات على درجة عالية من المخاطر وبالتالي قد لا يكون مناسبًا و/أو مناسبًا لجميع المستثمرين. يمكن أن تزيد قيمة الاستثمار و/أو تنقص وقد يفقد المستثمرون كل رأس مالهم المستثمر. لا يشكل محتوى هذا الموقع نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية. أي معلومات واردة هنا ذات طبيعة عامة ولا تأخذ في الاعتبار ظروفك الشخصية أو خبرتك في الاستثمار أو وضعك المالي الحالي. لا تتحمل الشركة أو الشركات التابعة تحت أي ظرف من الظروف أي مسؤولية تجاه أي شخص أو كيان عن أي خسارة أو ضرر كليًا أو جزئيًا ناتجًا أو ناتجًا عن أو متعلقًا بأي معاملات متعلقة بالمنتجات ذات الرافعة المالية.

استعد لإعلان مثير!

على مر السنين، كان FXGlobe.io موقعنا على الإنترنت رفيقًا موثوقًا به، ولكن حان الوقت الآن لرفع مستوى تجربتك. نحن متحمسون للإعلان عن انتقالنا إلى مجال جديد: FXGlobe.com!

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