About us

License & regulation.

Breathe easy—we’re licensed and regulated.

Financial Services Register number (FSRN): FSRN700227

License details.

FXGlobe international, FS International Limited with registration number 700227 is a limited liability company registered in Law Partners House, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Vanuatu, and licensed by the VFSC Republic of Vanuatu. FXGLOBE Int. is a trading name that FS International Limited is authorized to use.
APLFX (PTY) LTD is a limited liability company registered in South Africa with registration number 2021/804619/07

License details.

Financial Services Conduct Authority (FSCA) as a Financial Services Provider (FSP), No. 52045, according to Section 8 of the FAIS Act. APLFX is located at First Floor Constantia Emporium CO ladies mile Spaanschemat River Roa Constantia, Western Cape.

Report abuse/complaints.

We hope that you are thrilled with our service all of the time. But if you ever need to make a complaint, we have a transparent system in place to manage it fairly and effectively.

To report abuse or file a complaint, contact our support team using this form. If possible, they’ll resolve it directly and without delay. In some cases your complaint or report may need to be escalated to our compliance department for further investigation. They will work with customer support to settle your complaint with speed and clarity.

For more information about how we handle complaints, please see our policy.


Server Name Update

On April 20, 2024, our MetaTrader 4 server names are changing.

You’ll need to reinstall the MetaTrader 4 desktop app and relaunch the mobile app to log in.

No action is required on the web platform.

Need help? Check our guide for more info.
