
Welcome to the FXGlobe community.

Our community really sets us apart from other trading sites. Join our worldwide network and become the best trader you can be.

What's in our community?

Meet our ambassadors and discover their monthly content!

Community guidelines.

To make sure everyone has a good time, there are a few basic guidelines about the way things work ‘round here.

The FXGlobe community is based on education, connectivity, and freedom. It’s somewhere you can learn, socialize, improve your trading, and feel like you belong.
This part’s easy! All you need to do is sign up for a free FXGlobe account, no deposit required. You can subscribe to your favorite ambassador to tap into their latest updates.
Now we’re getting to the good stuff… network with traders around the world, win prizes, take part in live and local events, access the Academy, see exclusive content, and loads more.
Everyone can bring value to our community, regardless of trading level. Give and receive support through reviews, comments, shared stories, or hands-on experience.

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